Applying for a Masters Degree – A Guide 您所在的位置:网站首页 master degree candidate Applying for a Masters Degree – A Guide

Applying for a Masters Degree – A Guide

2024-06-26 18:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Unlike undergraduate programmes, applications for most Masters courses are open all year round (some vocational programmes may have a set deadline). However, this doesn’t mean that you should be asking yourself how late you can leave your Masters application!

It’s always a good idea to apply early in the admissions cycle – at least six months before the course begins. This will be around March or April for programmes beginning in September or October. Masters offers are given out as applications come in, so don't leave it too late or your perfect programme might already be full.

Another reason to apply early is so that you have more time to look for any additional funding and also to finalise your accommodation.

When are the deadlines for Masters applications?

Deadlines for Masters applications can vary quite widely between postgraduate programmes and universities. Generally speaking, you can apply up to a month or so before the Masters is due to begin (if there are still places on the course). So, the deadline for a Masters starting in September will be August.

If you’re an international student who needs a visa, you’ll need to take this into account and your Masters application deadline will be earlier.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that most universities in the UK are closed over the Christmas holidays, which means they won’t be able to process applications during this time. You should factor this into your timeline if you’re planning on a January or February start date.

If you’re applying for course that uses the UCAS Postgraduate application service, you can use their search tool to check the deadline for a particular UCAS Masters programme.






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